Friday, August 18, 2023

Mastagni Holstedt Partner Joins PERB Advisory Committee

Kathleen N. Mastagni Storm, a partner in our Labor and Employment Department, has been asked to join the Public Employment Relations Board’s (PERB) Advisory Committee for its Panel of Neutrals Listing.

PERB is a quasi-judicial administrative agency that administers and enforces collective bargaining statutes like the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) and resolves claims of unfair labor practices. PERB also oversees the factfinding process, which involves a three-person panel that hears evidence on negotiation issues in dispute and provides findings of fact and recommendations for settlement. This process is similar to interest arbitration proceedings in that the panel can conduct investigations and hold hearings, but it is non-binding.

PERB’s Advisory Committee for its Panel of Neutrals Listing reviews and provides feedback on applications from those wishing to join PERB’s list of neutral factfinders. The Advisory Committee is composed of both union and management representatives. Kathleen, a well-known union advocate at PERB, will have the opportunity to provide labor’s perspective on those seeking to serve as factfinders with PERB. Once approved, the factfinder may be chosen to serve on a factfinding panel.

Kathleen is honored PERB asked her to participate on the Advisory Committee and looks forward to being involved in the process and assisting in growing the list of neutrals with expertise and experience in labor law.